Thursday, January 28, 2010

How do you prepare yourself for the final exams ?!

Hi lovely friends
Since final exams are on the door for some, and some are already doing them, while some have finished. How do you prepare yourself for the final exams ?! and what kind of activities do you do during exams days ?

I know how tough it's to get ready one week or two weeks before the final exams, especially for those books warms lol ...
As to me, I get bored so fast of studying .. and once I feel bored I try to do something just to refresh myself such as eating, playing ... etc. Honesty I eat a lot during final exams days .. but don't worry I never become fat .. hehehehe
Many people put themselves on a lot of pressure before the exams and that makes studying harder and harder. I know a friend of mine how can't study because of that stress ... so why are we afraid of the exams if we're doing well ???

Well, some scientists say that the stress before the exams is something natural but with the limit .. and it makes us aware of the exams .. while if we overstress ourselves we won't be able to study well. Also, if we are not aware at all, that means we don't care at all .. so it's good to be stressed but not to much ..

Ooops, I think i've gone so fare from the main question .. heheh sorry.. it's been a while I haven't write .. xD

As I told you .. I eat a lot and play sometimes while studying just to break the routine and be refreshed. Also, I can't study without writing what I memorize .. a pen and blank papers are important to me while studying .. I bet I would have written many books because of that .. hehehehehe. Some of the strange things I do is screaming or singing suddenly in the middle of studying .. ( I know you would say crazy .. lol ) .. but all that to break the routine and get the energy back as you know.. :D

 be so comfortable....

Yah, I'm comfortable with my routine and as you know everyone is comfortable with his/her own way. For examples, some student can't study with lower voice they study loudly and some don't. Also, some are comfortable with moving while studying and they can't study well setting in their place .. so they get knowledge and practise sport .. hehehehe. I've a friend of mine who studies laying on the bed .... you know it depends on the person.

In general,when the exams come we feel like we don't memorize anything of the subject. It happens to me .. imagine I study and once I close the book I feel like all info are gone with the wind .. so I open it again and start to recover .. etc. but once I see the questions .. info start to get out of my head to the paper ..:D sometimes I need more time so I can answer .. that's becuze of the stress. I remember this situation in high school in the final exam of English. when I took the paper I was shocked that I couldn't answer any question. I was like forgetting everything. But then I started to answer point after point till I finish all question and I took full mark :D
Ok, now it's your turn .. hope we could get benefit of your studying strategies .. hehehe
I wish the best for you all.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Before your first day....relax and stop worring about it...

Before the First Date:
One advantage to online dating is that you've sold your personality to some extent with the person you are dating. They might have seen a picture or two of you and thought you were cute. But otherwise, you got this date based on your own words. Hopefully, the impression you created was one you can carry over into the first date.

*Think about it. You’ve signed up with your favorite online dating website. You’ve met someone interesting. The two of you swapped emails and agreed to meet for a date. Perhaps you’ve even met your online date on Instant Messenger. But now, it’s time to give the internet a rest and test out the waters in that real life ocean outside of the computer. Now, you might be Worried about your First ‘in real life’ date and nervously thinking about what to do and what no to.

*Stop Worrying About Your First Date
Stop worrying. First of all, what you're doin:g seems to be working. You're probably better armed with information than you would in a normal offline dating relationship. At some level, your date has accepted who you are. So you should have the confidence that you're doing something right. On the first date, you have to remember to keep up the good work, while not overexposing yourself.

Follow these simple first date tips. If you stick to these simple online daters first date tips, you should do alright. A first date is like a big football game. Often, it isn't the big play that wins the game; it's who makes the fewest mistakes. So the best first date tip I can offer is just that: limit your mistakes.

First Date Do’s:

1.Be Yourself:
Keep it simple and don’t be fake. If you put on an act, you might be able to pull it off for the length of the date. But what about forever? What if this is the serious love affair of your life?
Besides, your mind is likely to be swimming on the first date. You won't be at the height of your powers of concentration, so it's better to concentrate on being yourself than being something you're not. Unless you're really witty and really smooth at delivering lines, it's probably just better to be genuine.

A genuine smile always spreads a cheer and brings out the liveliness in the mood. Your partner will have a great time if you look content. It's positive affirmation for him or her, while you are a whole lot likelier to create a positive impression when smiling than scowling.
Besides, a lot of time is wasted on every date with each person wondering what the other thinks and if they’re comfortable. Let her know you’re happy by showing her a pleasant smile.

The days are gone when being shy or speaking less was considered smart and elegant. This is the information age, the era of communication. If you don’t like something, speak up by suggesting something else. Say what’s on your mind, whether you’re feeling giddy and excited. By all means, share.
Don't be cross or sour, though. Be pleasant and polite, even if you are criticizing something or otherwise giving "straight talk". This shows confidence in speaking your mind, without being a jerk about it.

4.Dress Neat:
Overdressing isn’t the answer. Looking neat and clean is important, though. Business casual attire will probably keep you looking great, and keep your date at ease as well. At the same time, do take care with your appearance. Though you expect your mate to take you as you are, you don't want to look like you are taking that for granted. If you want them to care about you, look like you care about yourself. Don't not want to let it all "hang out" on the first date.

First Date Do Not’s:

1.Don't Be Silly
Don’t laugh or giggle too much. Above, we suggested that you be yourself and smile a lot. Smiling is good, but don’t be overly jovial or vivacious. Be natural. Lots of giggling or laughing like a hyena is a general sign of nervousness and generally betrays a lack of confidence. Don't laugh at your own jokes or comments. That's a sign you're looking for affirmation and looks needy.

2.Don't Be Shy:
If there’s food on the table, dig in. Whether you’re a guy or a girl, the mouse act is out of fashion. If bbq’d ribs are on the table, get after them. (I would suggest ordering something different, though, because there's no neat way to eat a tasty set of ribs.) If the dish is anything other than BBQ however, eat up. Show you are healthy and hearty, but do sowithout acting like a slob.

3.Don't Get Handsy:
Don’t touch too much. Touching creates stronger bonds. When I’m out with my guy, I like him to touch my elbow as we walk together, or brush my shoulder when he walks by. I like that feeling that I’m with him, and that’s our special bond.
Remember though that this is your first date. So try to take it slow and not freak your date out by pawing, or being to personal to soon. This is one you should let her take the initiative. Otherwise, you begin to make her feel uncomfortable. Show a little restraint and it might pay off.

4.Don't Be a Barbarian :
Use table manners. Don’t talk while you have food in your mouth. This is a basic table manner, but we would still like to emphasize on this. It’s a total turn off to see food crushed in someone’s mouth and slathered in their saliva. So eat slowly and speak when you are finished swallowing.

5.Don't Dominate the Conversation
Shut up every once in a while. This is a date and you should be interested in her, too. Therefore, you should share and talk about yourself, but not endlessly. For some, that’s hard to do; for others, it comes natural. Many people love to talk about themselves, non-stop. A country song comes to mind here.
The person across from you hasn’t started caring about you yet, so though your success and failures in life are interesting to you, they might not be to him or her. Things she might not be interested in just yet include: what you cooked for dinner last night, all the things your friends said all week, what some jerk at work said. Let’s not drag your date into your emotional hurricane...just yet

Sunday, January 24, 2010

What should you wear to a job interview?

A big job interview is coming up and you are feeling very confident. You have anticipated the questions they might ask and have prepared some great answers. Fresh copies of your resume are sitting in your backpack. Wait a minute. Did you say backpack? Are you really going to walk into a job interview carrying a backpack? Next thing you'll say is that you're planning to wear jeans and a t-shirt. Uh-oh. You better ask yourself these questions before you get dressed.

What should I wear?
Generally, it's a good idea to wear a suit for a job interview. Go with something simple, in a neutral tone. The more conservative your field is, the more conservative your suit should be. For example, if you're applying for a job in an investment firm, go with a navy blue or dark gray suit.

What if my interview is for a job in a more casual setting?
It's a good idea to match your interview attire to the prospective job. If you are applying for a job working on a warehouse floor, you will look out of place wearing a formal suit. Keeping that in mind, dress a little better than you would for a day at work and make sure your clothes are neat and clean.

My interview is for a job in an accounting firm. Traditionally this field is conservative, but this particular firm may be a little more casual. How should I dress?
You can't go wrong in a suit, but if you want to give more of an impression of "fitting in" then you need to find out how people actually dress for work at that firm. One way to do this is to observe people arriving for work. Choose any day other than a Friday, which is when some companies allow more casual dress. Again, follow the rule of dressing better for the interview than you would for a typical day at the office.

Do I have to buy a new suit?
As long as your suit is in good condition and not outdated, you don't have to buy a new one. If you do decide to purchase a new suit, buy the best one you can afford and make sure you don't get anything too trendy. You want your investment to last.

What shoes should I wear?
In all instances, wear closed-toe shoes. Sandals are never appropriate for a job interview, unless you are applying for a job as a lifeguard. Black shoes match everything (yes, even your navy blue suit). Stick with a conservative style. Women should not wear very high heels.

Must I buy new shoes?

No. Shoes you've already worn are fine, unless they are in bad condition or out of style. A little shoe polish may be in order here.

What about my nails?
Your nails should be clean. A man's nails should be kept short and a woman's nails shouldn't be excessively long and should be bare or polished in a neutral color.

I love wearing jewelry. Can I wear it for the interview?

Modest jewelry is fine, but don't wear large earrings or a thick chain.

What about makeup? How much is okay?
Don't paint on the makeup. Keep it simple and use neutral colors.

What should I carry with me -- a purse, a briefcase, a backpack?
By all means, leave the backpack at home. You want to look professional, not like you're taking a stroll across campus. A woman can carry a small to medium sized handbag. A man or woman can carry a briefcase if he or she wishes, or a folder or portfolio

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

how to make a healthy home in simple ways?

life is all about the interaction between ourself and our environment. And the most important environment of all has got to be our home - after all, our home is really an external reflection of what we are. So, for a health you, start with a healthy home!
It has long been recognised that our environment is constantly influenced by invisible energy forces that affect our physical and psychological health. Feng Shui enables us to balance and enhance these energies to create a more positive and healthy environment.
Probably the best way to begin to understand the practicalities of how Feng Shui can help us is to think of how we perceive our home environment. Perception is all about the five senses.

Harnessing the sense of seeing :We need to do much more than to look. We need to learn to see. And the ideal place to begin is outside. Location, location, location.
Ask yourself "Do I have inspiring views? When I drive home, do I feel elevated the nearer I get home? It doesn't take a psychologist to tell us that a feel-good factor is an important ingredient to physical wellbeing.
 we often think of inanimate things like the home as though they were living beings. Try to imagine your home settled comfortably in an armchair with good back support and then ask - does its physical location match the image? Is there something like woodland, a hill slope or even a building supporting and protecting the back of the house?
Ask yourself how welcoming your home looks as people draw near. Whether trained in Feng Shui or not, most people instinctively recognise the importance of the front door. Apparently when, in the 70s, the Government began selling off council houses the first thing that the overwhelming majority of owners did was to replace their front door. And we all feel so much more comfortable approaching a house with a clearly delineated entrance, pathway or drive.
Then, once inside assess how bright and welcoming your hallway is. Eliminate any aggressive features. First impressions count and our aim should be for people to want to stay.
Check around the home for good, natural daylight - remember, lack of access to natural light has been singled out as the biggest cause of 'sick building syndrome' in offices. The same is true of the home. The colour 'temperature' of tungsten light bulbs is too red and florescent tubes too blue, so use full spectrum bulbs (often called daylight bulbs) for all artificial lighting.
Look with new eyes to see if clutter is taking over your life. Clutter is debilitating, frustrating (never able to find things?) and wholly un-conducive to wellbeing.
What else can you see? Can you see life? Are there plants around your home? In much the same way that the rainforests are the planet's lungs, so plants are your home's lungs - absorbing toxins and returning oxygen to the air.
Finally, look to see if your home appears barren or whether it rejoices with images and artwork. And is that artwork conducive to harmony and wellbeing?

Anyone who suffers tinnitus knows how debilitating noise can be, with some sound frequencies particularly insidious. Listen for sound pollution in the home - buzzing fridges, noisy boilers, loud clocks ticking, creaking radiators and so on.
Smell:Estate agents tell us that the 'smell' of a home is one of the biggest single influencers on potential buyers. Some even suggest baking bread just before an inspection visit.
How does your home smell? Fresh and healthy? I strongly recommend the use of environmentally friendly, non toxic products in the home; natural materials, organic paints, suitable cleaning solutions. Do visit, a, excellent on-line organic superstore. And when tradesmen work in your home, ensure that they don't pollute the air with toxins and solvents, such as carpet adhesives and so on.
A good cleaning regime is a great help. Cut flowers and bring them into your home to add beautiful fragrances (lilies, hyacinths), but don't allow them to die in their vases. Watch out for rotting food, which can create rancid smells and release spores into the air.
Finally, ensure good, moving ventilation and you will be guaranteed a 'breath of fresh air'.

Touch :We are very tactile creatures, so spend time getting the feel of your home. Every object, every surface in your home emits different types of energy. So, match the energy with the environment. For example, relaxing, soft fabrics work so well in the lounge and the bedroom. Smooth, durable surfaces that are easy to clean for the kitchen and bathroom. Feng Shui is really common sense.

A healthy home has a well organised and nutritional kitchen where the taste buds and diet of all the family can be satisfied.
All the above affect every room in your home, so now let us take a look at extra little tips for a healthy, Bedroom, Sitting Room , Kitchen and Bathroom

Room by room

Bedroom :
In your bedroom, use colours that are calming and conducive to sleep - soft pastel shades. Avoid large mirrors and reflective surfaces. They emit high energy that disrupts sleep patterns.
Do not have televisions or position your computer in your bedroom – they are too intrusive. Sorry!
Whilst you are sleeping your body is rejuvenating so do not subject it to unhealthy emissions. Electrical Appliances and cables emit unhealthy electro magnetic fields (EMF), so beware of sleeping next to devices such as a radio alarm, and avoid placing your bed head adjacent to a wall containing electric cables.
Keep your bedroom as dust-free as possible. And keep it free from clutter.

Living Room :
Your living room is your space for relaxation, rest and socialising. Make it welcoming, comfortable and a visual feast for yourself and your visitors. Choose a spacious room, with the best views to lift and replenish your energy.
And for a supportive, auspicious and balanced living room environment, select:
•Warm wall colours
•Matching furniture and curtain fabrics
•Soft, decorative floor rugs.
•Exotic plants and fresh flowers
•Happy Family photos
•Artwork that inspires you and your family.

Art is the medicine of the soul and can raise the spirits, so ensure that it is good medicine. It should emit positive messages. I choose pictures of beautiful landscapes with mountains, cascading water or sunrise. All positive messages.
Design of furniture is important. For good , choose rounded shapes with smooth edges to stimulate a feeling of harmony and balance. Sharp edges or corners create negative energy.
Position chairs with their backs to solid walls where possible, giving a better sense of security.
Keep it warm, comfortable and well lit, using adjustable lighting. Dimmer switches are a perfect way of creating adaptable mood lighting for romance, serious reading or lively entertaining.
Put a lot of thought into the design of your kitchen, making it easy to prevent clutter and easy to ventilate. An ideal layout is to employ a triangle, linking fridge, cooker and sink
Lighting is a high priority all around the home, but especially so in the kitchen. That's one of the reasons the colour white works so well, reflecting natural light, enhancing purity and creating spaciousness. Yellow is another good choice; a nurturing, relaxing and warm colour.
Natural materials help you relax - wicker baskets, cotton materials and plants will balance your kitchen environment, offsetting those shiny metallic objects and surfaces.
The kitchen is particularly vulnerable to noise pollution, so chuck out those extractor fans and open the window!
Finally, ensure everything works in your kitchen from light bulbs to food mixers. Broken gadgets sap your energy levels.

bathroom :
 water is closely related to wealth and emotions. Any leaks or dripping taps imply loss of wealth and emotional strength. They should be fixed immediately.
Shelves, windowsills, the floor and even the bathtub rim act as clutter magnets. Clear them for a calmer, more peaceful environment that is also easier to keep spotless.
Like the kitchen, bathrooms can be a harsh environment, so invest in a living plant.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

30 Ways to Make Your Life More Simple

1.Resign from a commitment you’re not passionate about
2.Stop trying to be perfect.
3.Implement a basic cleaning schedule.
4.Sign up for automatic billpay.
5.Automate a portion of your investing.
6.Clean out your media collection and keep only the items you love.
7.Plant perennials that will automatically bloom next spring.
8.Clean out your purse or wallet.
9.Put a paper shredder next to your mail spot.
10.Winnow your wardrobe down to pieces that work together.
11.Delete any social networking accounts you don’t actually use.
12.Add your number to the do-not-call list.
13.Create a car maintenance schedule and post it somewhere you’ll see it.
14.Design a filing system that you can stick to.
15.Start your day with a healthy meal.
16.Turn your phone off when you need quiet time.
17.Invest in a programmable thermostat.
18.Set one good goal, and go achieve it.
19.Record your good “shower” ideas and then implement them. (Don’t we all get our best inspirations in the shower?)
20.Write to a friend with (gasp!) pen and paper.
21.Set limits on your bad habits, and reward yourself when you stick with them.
22.Stop trying to be a saint and indulge yourself every once in a while.
23.Pay off your credit card debt.
24.Avoid watching commercials and reading advertisements.
25.Rediscover the pleasure of reading purely for enjoyment.
26.Plan two weeks of delicious meals ahead of time and skip the nightly grocery run.
27.Go to your doctor for a preventative checkup.
28.Remember the joys of doing nothing.
29.Singletask as much as possible.
30.Learn to ask for help

7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Home Office

Since we spend a lot of time in our home offices, it’s a good idea to set them up according to our needs. But if you don’t have the time or money for a complete office makeover, even a few simple changes can turn your home office from drab to inspirational.

Here are a few things you can try:

Add a plant or two:. It can be refreshing to see some green plants your office. They can provide the necessary contrast, especially if you too many gadgets lying around. Some particular types of plants, such as heartleaf philodendron and English ivy, can also improve the air quality in your office. Just make sure to place them near a window.
If you want to add more artistic flair to your office plants, you can use a terrarium instead. For inspiration, visit the terrarium pool at Flickr.

Have visual inspiration: I like having paintings, posters and other inspiring visuals in my office. These range from family photos to framed paintings from some artist friends. Having them around helps me regain my focus when I find that my eyes are randomly wandering around the room. If you don’t have the budget to buy art prints, you can always look for interesting images online and print them. The Dubberly Design Office has a wonderful concept map of the creative process, which you can download as a PDF file. Hugh MacLeod also has cartoons you can print out and use as “cube grenades.”

Evaluate your desk for ergonomics: Even a few inches can make a difference to your comfort. has a handy workspace planner that allows you to find the right position for your workstation’s components.

Keep healthy snacks and drinks nearby: Many web workers I know love to keep a cup of tea or coffee at their desk. But instead of placing them on the same table as your computer, I suggest that you place them on a different table to prevent accidental spills.
I also find that planning healthy snacks beforehand and placing them in my office makes it easy for me to choose healthy food (such as fruits) compared to convenience foods I tend to find in the fridge or the kitchen. By making the healthier snacks easier to access, they’ll be the first thing I’ll reach for. It’s a good idea to keep a basket or tray of healthy snacks in your office.

Add a whiteboard: There are so many ways to use a whiteboard that I find it hard to imagine working without one. While I keep my daily task list on Google Calendar, the whiteboard gives me a quick overview of my commitments for the next three months.
Repaint your walls: The ambient color of your office can make a big difference to your working mood. Cool colors such as blue and green tend to be relaxing, while bright colors like orange and yellow are invigorating. Color psychology isn’t an exact science, so choose the paint color that reflects your working style.
Set up a relaxation corner: Sometimes my home office is the only quiet room in the house. Although I mostly do my work in this office, it also becomes my sanctuary when my housemates have people over. If you have a similar home environment, a small chair can be good for unwinding during your breaks.
Have you tried doing any of the above items? What other simple changes have you made to your home office?